The choir was set up in February 2010 in Walthamstow Central and now has a current membership of about 60 friendly, amateur singers. We regularly put on concerts and perform in events throughout Waltham Forest and sometimes further afield singing at the Tate Modern and the Barbican. We are a self-governing group, with a committee elected by members, and the group is open to anyone living or working in or around the London Borough of Waltham Forest. Previous singing or musical experience is not required. We believe that singing is a simple pleasure that should – and can – be accessible to anyone. With this in mind we are a non-auditioning group who welcomes everyone who is interested in joining us. The choir also has a very active social calendar holding an annual quiz night with fish and chip supper, a christmas singalong and an end of year social event at the Walthamstow Cricket Tennis that is open to all members and guests. The choir is also a keen supporter of local charities and have sang at events for Age UK Waltham Forest, Homeless Meals in Central London, William Morris Big Local, and Haven House
The choir was set up in February 2010 in Walthamstow Central. We believe that singing is a simple pleasure that should – and can – be accessible to anyone. With this in mind we are a non-auditioning group who welcomes everyone who is interested in joining us. We sing in four-part harmony and regularly perform around the borough at community events and also as part of our outreach programme with local community groups. We also hold our own concerts at St Mary's Church. Our repertoire is diverse from choral pieces to pop, folk and jazz classics with something for everyone.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.