We sing songs sung in the Music Halls of London in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. They are lively, funny and give insight into the lives and concerns of working people over a hundred years ago. We sing in unison with added harmonies and voluntary solos. Songs are learned by ear. We are accompanied in rehearsals and performances by our leader on banjo. We generally have the opportunity to give a public performance once a term, for which some of us like to dress up in Victorian garb. We are a friendly and lively group, and our rehearsals are generally a lot of fun.
We bring back to life songs that were sung in the Music Halls in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. They are lively, often funny, sometimes bawdy, and reflect the lives and concerns of people of the time. We sing in unison and harmony, with solo parts for those that wish, accompanied by a banjo. We love to sing our songs in public, and do so several times a year.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.