London City singers is an award winning barbershop chorus in Central London We perform an eclectic repertoire of a cappella music in gigs and contests throughout the year, nationally and internationally. Focused on both education and entertainment, our mission is to bring great barbershop music to more people in our local community and beyond. The main event of the year for us a barbershop convention. It's an annual gathering of everyone who practices the art form of barbershop singing. There's a competition between different choruses across the country included in the convention and we typically participate in it. In order to prepare for convention, we go on a weekend (overnight) retreat and hire a coach to give us more guidance on improving our vocals and performance. The chorus learns a great deal during retreat, so all members are expected to attend. London City Singers is a bookable chorus and have several live performances throughout the year, as well as holding our own concerts to raise money for chorus costs or for charity.
London city singers are an award winning barbershop chorus in Central London. We perform an eclectic repertoire of a cappella music in gigs and contests throughout the year, nationally and internationally. Focused on both education and entertainment, our mission is to bring great barbershop music to more people in our local community and beyond. Our Music Director Simon Arnott is a composer, arranger and music educator who has worked with several award-winning groups. He also directs Meantime Chorus and sings with award-winning quartet Trailblazers.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.