City Chamber Choir aims to revive neglected choral works from past ages, to search out the best in 20th century composition, and to plot musical pathways for the 21st century. The choir is led by its hugely experienced founder, Stephen Jones, and is fortunate to have as its President, renowned composer Cecilia McDowall, and as Patron, Bob Chilcott. As well as commissioning and performing works by our President and Patron, we receive infusions of new music from our Composer in Residence Samuel Wilson and annually appointed up-and-coming ‘composers in association’. Our repertoire ranges far and wide, with a particular focus on 20th century British music. Formed in 1987 and comprising singers of different ages and from many walks of life, we meet for rehearsals in a lovely Wren church a stone’s throw from The Monument. We perform concerts there and in many of the City of London’s other beautiful churches.
City Chamber Choir aims to revive neglected choral works from past ages, to search out the best in 20th century composition, and to plot musical pathways for the 21st century.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.