London Pro Arte Choir is a friendly mixed voice choir of 40-50 members. We sing mainly classical music, including major oratorios and other choral works. Our rehearsals on Thursday evenings are in the Hartley Hall, Flower Lane, Mill Hill, which is accessible by train and bus. Our four concerts per year usually take place in St Michael's church, next to the Hartley Hall. At least one of these is accompanied by a professional orchestra. In addition to our weekly rehearsals and four concerts, we have three or four social events each year, for members to socialise outside their singing. There is no audition to join the choir. As a potential member you would attend two or three rehearsals, you would have a mentor, and you would then decide if the choir is for you.
London Pro Arte Choir is a friendly 50 member mixed voice choir based in Mill Hill in North West London. The choir sings a wide repertoire including major oratorios and modern music to a high standard. It normally performs four concerts a year with professional musicians. The choir has enjoyed making music and performing to the local community since its formation 75 years ago.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.