A well-established mixed boys and girls choir for young singers aged 7-18, with weekly rehearsals and small group teaching, plus monthly Sunday morning commitment to singing in church. Some additional services eg the Holocaust Memorial Service (annual, January), Christmas carol service (Sunday afternoon just before Christmas). Some community involvement. This choir is part of a vibrant north London Anglican parish with lots of music. The Youth Choir sings with the adult choir around 4 times per year. There are solo opportunities and all members engage in learning to sing well and learning how to read music, using the Royal School of Church Music's Voice for Life Scheme (graded progression). Each member (and their family) makes a commitment to attend and be part of the choir.
Church choir singing an average of 4 services per month (mostly Sunday mornings, some on Sunday late afternoon/early evening) with weekly Thursday evening rehearsals 8-930pm. We rehearse and sing in harmony: hymns, anthems, a mass setting, a responsorial psalm. Some larger projects and community involvement. This is a friendly, committed group which is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music. Established over 15 years ago our Youth Choir offers wonderful opportunities for young singers (boys and girls) aged 7-18 to learn how to sing and how to read music, in a church music context. They also get the chance to sing with the adult choir. Structured learning and regular input give a really good musical education at St Mary-at-Finchley.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.