The Merbecke Choir is a chamber choir of around 30 singers based at Southwark Cathedral in London. The choir performs termly concerts of a wide range of music to a high standard. The choir is a staunch supporter of new music, having commissioned several new works, as well as being adept in the performance of Renaissance polyphony. Part of the Cathedral's music department, it makes a regular and significant contribution to the Cathedral's musical liturgy, in particular, singing Compline and Benedictions once a month.
The Merbecke Choir rehearses and performs at Southwark Cathedral. We also sing compline there once a month and some other events and services. It consists of around 30 people, mostly in their 20s and 30s who have a background in choral singing. We mostly sing unaccompanied choral repertoire, though have performed Bach's B minor mass and St John Passion with orchestra as well as concerts with organ. We sing a lot of sacred music, but the summer concert is often secular repertoire.
Choirslist London lists choirs across its 33 boroughs.